George ShalerElisabeth F. SnellRobyn Dumont2023-05-222023-05-222021-10-28 jurisdictions look to transform their criminal justice processes, there is interest in the use of deferred dispositions. However, there has been little research on the use of deferred dispositions in cases involving domestic or sexual violence. This recent examination by the Maine Statistical Analysis Center, with the cooperation of the Maine Coalition Sexual Against Assault and the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence, used data obtained from the Maine District Attorneys Technical Services (MEDATS), the electronic repository for Maine district attorney data. The study found that those deferred with domestic violence and sexual assault offenses were more likely to recidivate than those with other types of offenses. In this session, researchers will share their methods, findings, and lessons for future examinations of deferred dispositions.enDeferred Dispositions for Domestic and Sexual Violence Cases in Maine: Findings and LessonsVideo