Hurt, Insulted, Threatened with Harm and Screamed Domestic Violence Tool (HITS)



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Sherin, Sinacore, Li, Zitter, and Shakil developed the public domain Hurt, Insulted, Threatened with Harm and Screamed (HITS) domestic violence screening tool in 1998 to help medical professionals detect abuse. This tool could be integrated into the initial intake process in a family practice or be used if a medical professional suspects abuse may be occurring. HITS encourages clients to quantify the “risk of domestic violence” in their relationship by self-assessing how often toxic behaviors occur. After age, sex, and ethnicity can be entered, HITS centers on a five-by-seven scoring matrix. The left-most column asks “how often does your partner…” and provides the four ‘risk behaviors’ of interest: physical harm, insults, threat of physical harm, and screaming/cursing. Respondents score each of these categories along a continuum of one to five, where one is “Never” and five is “Frequently.” The directions beneath the matrix note that “a score greater than 10 signify that you are at risk of domestic violence abuse” before listing hotlines and providing links to the Baylor Trauma Center in Dallas, Texas, where this tool is currently in use. This tool can be used for both men and women (and nonbinary individuals if the tool administrator adapts proper pronouns). HITS is validated. (CVR Abstract)


Cost: No
Training: Unspecified
Number of Items: 4


Domestic Violence, Screening Tool, Purpose: Detection, Population: Adults, Domestic Violence, Family Practice, Abuse, Administration Method: Self-Administered


Sherin, K.M, Sinacore, J.M, Li, X, Zitter, R.E, & Shakil, A. (1998). HITS: A Short Domestic Violence Screening Tool for Use in a Family Practice Setting. Family Medicine, 30(7), 508-512.