Advocates Assessment of English Language Access for Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence




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Casa de Esperanza


In early 2014, Casa de Esperanza conducted a national assessment of the language accessibility of court systems to survivors of sexual and domestic violence (S/DV), who have limited English proficiency (LEP) . LEP is defined by the Federal Interagency Working Group on Limited English Proficiency as characteristic of “individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have limited ability to speak, read, write, or understand English .” They may be immigrants, citizens, refugees, and/or asylees . They may also be deaf/hard of hearing or possess a disability, however, laws related to LEP are distinct from those such as the Americans with Disabilities Act that govern language access for persons who are deaf/hard of hearing or have learning or cognitive disabilities . This assessment focused on survivors whose language access needs should be met under LEP-related laws and rules. 584 persons participated in the assessment, but not all responded to all questions, so whenever possible, the number of respondents to a specific question (n) is noted .Nearly all participants worked for community-based S/DV programs . Of those who identified as “other” (22%), most worked as, for example, rural outreach, medical, or dual advocates . Others worked within S/DV response systems (e .g ., law enforcement) or, although they may not work primarily on issues of S/DV, were likely valued partners with interest in the issues (e .g ., interpreters; child or adult protective services investigators). [CVRL Note: the survey results are one part of a larger toolkit.] (Author Text)


Report Section


Survey Results, Victim Services, Service Providers, Practitioners, Victim Advocates, Community-based, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Language Access, Language Needs, English as a Second Language, Limited English Proficiency, Translation Services, Interpretation Services, Accessibility, Accessibility Services, Spanish-speaking, Courts, Legal Services, Civil Cases, Criminal Justice, Criminal Cases, Survivors, Victims, Barriers to Service, Gaps in Service, Restraining Orders, Protective Orders, Court Orders, Order of Protection, Relief From Abuse, Custody, Visitation, Criminal Complaint, Victim Safety, Interpreters, Advocacy, Underserved Populations, Minorities


(2015). "Advocates' Assessment of English Language Access for Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence" in Increasing Language Access in the Courts Toolkit, 3-13.